
Hi, I'm Yusuf

I am a Teacher, Father, and Graphic Designer


Name: Yusuf Rohimawanto

I am a teacher at State Vocational High School (SMK) 7 Palembang, previously this school was a fine arts school (SMSR). I teach the Visual Communication Design (DKV) study program. I also teach at a private vocational school in Ogan Komering Ilir district, Lempuing Jaya sub-district. I am a father of two children, I live in the village of Muara Burnai 1, I like farming, gardening, growing vegetables and fruit. I have a beautiful wife, she works as a housewife who takes care of all the school needs of the children in Islamic boarding schools and kindergartens.


Graphic Design 95%
Photography 85%
Videography 80%
Web Design 70%


Institut Seni Indonesia

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
2007 - 2014

I studied higher education at the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Surakarta, where I obtained a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. The university experience was transformative, giving me a broader perspective and deeper insight into my chosen field. Collaborative projects, internships, and interactions with professors enriched my learning journey. As I reflect on my educational journey, I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped my intellectual and personal growth. My education has been a stepping stone, paving the way for a future where I can make meaningful contributions to society and pursue my interests with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills.


  • Indonesian
  • English Google Translate
  • Javanese language Kromo Inggil
  • Body language Talk less, Work more


Palembang, ID

0816 404009


Graphic Designer

Freelance Graphic Designer
2012 - 2021

Throughout my professional journey in the field of art and design, I have not only refined my technical skills but also developed a profound appreciation for the transformative impact of visual communication. Each experience has been a canvas for personal and artistic growth, reinforcing my commitment to contributing meaningfully to the vibrant and ever-evolving world of art and design.

Go Blog..

Weblog DEKAVE SMK Negeri 7 Palembang

Website Yayasan Sosial Babul Ulum, Lempuing Jaya

Website SD Negeri 1 Lubuk Makmur, Lempuing Jaya

Link Login Absen Siswa Kelas X DKV 1 SMK Negeri 7 Palembang

Link KAS Kelas X DKV 1 SMK Negeri 7 Palembang

Link Login Absen GTK SD N 1 Lubuk Makmur

Link CBT Online